Title: meQ Resilience 2022: Be a Force for Growth
Time: 9/29/22 – 9/30/22
Location: Virtual Event
Session time: Friday, September 30, 2022 – 10:00 am – 11:00 am
Wendy Lynch
Founder Lynch Consulting, Ltd.
Jennie Wheeler
Associate Vice President of Integrated Analytics Workpartners
What We'll Be Doing
Workpartners is proud to be co-presenting during the 2022 meQ Resilience 2022 Virtual Conference in a session titled Using Integrated Analytics to Showcase the Business Value of Human Capital.
Using Integrated Analytics to Showcase the Business Value of Human Capital
Leaders in Human Resources have always recognized the value of people, even when the C-Suite has focused on more tangible assets in the balance sheet. Today, CHROs have greater opportunities to showcase the value of people and quantify the return on investments in human capital.
In this workshop, participants will hear how leading organizations are using people analytics in their strategic planning, what types of data and analytics support these new requirements for human capital reporting, and how investments in human capital, in areas such as health, mental health and resilience, can differentiate high-performing organizations. Workshop attendees will leave with tangible strategies and practical next steps.