Too many people equate “eating healthy” with “eating plain, uninteresting, unsatisfying food.” That’s not the case! You can add nutritious, delicious food to your diet by making a few simple changes that won’t bust your budget or add hours of cooking into your day.
Add and subtract—The first step is knowing what healthy foods to include in your diet. That means fruit and vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins (like fish and skinless chicken), and healthy fats found in olive oil, nuts, and seeds. You also need to cut down on less nutritious foods, like refined carbohydrates (white bread, rice, and noodles), processed meats, soft drinks, and foods that are high in sodium.
Make a plan—It’s easier to cook a healthy dinner if you have all the ingredients on hand. Planning a week’s worth of healthy meals makes grocery shopping easier and cuts waste out of your food budget. It eliminates the stress of worrying about what to make for dinner and reduces the risk of throwing up your hands and ordering pizza.
Smart substitutes—If you often find yourself reaching for a bag of chips or a pint of ice cream, replace those items with healthier options. Choose baked or black bean chips for your crunchy cravings and frozen yogurt when your sweet tooth comes calling.
Show your skills—Many nutritious foods are very tasty if you prepare them in the right ways. Roasting vegetables, broiling fish, and adding herbs and spices to brown rice can make healthy dishes family favorites.
A few minor changes in how you choose and prepare foods can lead to a major improvement in your diet. Try it for a week—plan five interesting and nutritious meals, buy what you need (and nothing else!), and learn for yourself that eating healthy can be delicious, economical, and a real time-saver.
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