Does Stress Get you Down?
It’s easy to think of stress as negative and even dangerous to your health. Long-term, constant stress can be. But some stress is a part of any meaningful life. It helps us to learn, reach out to others, and grow. It is even possible to feel excited and confident about stress. That is called a “stress helps” mindset. If that sounds strange to you, try this thought challenge:
Step 1
Pick your top three values in life and write them down. You can choose from a list or choose your own. Pick a value that is truly yours, not one that is something others expect of you. You don’t have to be great at this value, so long as it’s one that is important to you— it should be something that guides your decisions every day and in life.
Step 2
Pick one of your top three values to write about for 10 minutes. Describe why it’s important to you and how you live out this value in your daily life. How does it guide your decision making? Write about a situation where it helped you to manage stress or make a difficult decision. There are no right answers when it comes to what you write.
If you like, you can repeat steps 1 and 2 for all three of your top values.
Do you want more help with managing your stress? Email contactknovasolutions@workpartners.com or call 1-800-355-0885. We are available Monday through Thursday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.